
Showing posts from October, 2017

Come back of Nokia?

Over the years, smart phones have really revolutionized the way people interact with technology. It can be fair to say that they have replaced the need of the people to buy a laptop or a PC and instead have presented all the functionalities of the people into a small, compact yet a powerful device. The reason smartphones are so much sought after now is because they have become a vital and an indispensable parts of our life that can handle from the simple of day to day task to a set of complex and tedious ones. One name that was synonymous whenever we talked about phones and gadgets is "Nokia". But quite strangely, Nokia was slowly kicked out from this market segment when the smartphones were introduced in the market and the other heavy weights like Samsung, Apple, SONY and to name a few slowly started to dominate the segment with their products which were fed with the rich and powerful android OS and IOS. Nokia did try to compete with these big players with their own...